Dunbar Sales Co., Inc.

Dunbar Sales is the oldest Food Broker in the State of Alabama,
as well as the largest

We think our competition has changed,
not what our principals and customers want.

Our Mission

To continue to provide our customers and our principals with
full-service support and coverage:  To do it the right way; the way we
were taught by our fathers.

Company Profile

Dunbar Sales is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.  We handle
all conventional Grocery customers buying in the state.  We, also, call
on the substantial convenience store wholesalers located here.  In
addition, we provide retail coverage for customers where purchasing is
done outside Alabama.

"You do more for us for what you represent than anyone else" - Ken West
(former Head Buyer P.W.A.D.C.); Milford Sprayberry (former Head
Buyer Mitchell Gro.)

"If you want someone to take care of your product, Dunbar is the only one
you need to talk to."
- Richard Johnson - retail counselor @ P.W.A.D.C.


Robert Dunbar - President.  Purchased the Company from his father
and company founder, Bruce Dunbar, in 1989.

Gary Stonicher - Vice-President.  Started in the business with his
father in 1974.

Eddie Andrews - 34 years in the brokerage business, owning his own,
then working with a variety of larger companies.

Danny Jones - Spent 23 years at Winn-Dixie before entering the
brokerage end 10 years ago.

Contact Information

Telephone  205.956.2121
FAX          205.956.2171     
Postal address
 Dunbar Sales Co., Inc.
 4616 Montevallo Road
 Birmingham, AL  35210
Electronic mail
 General Information: www.dunbarsalesco.com
Sales: Robert C. Dunbar  -  rcdunbar@bellsouth.net
Customer Support: Jo Mazzara  -  jmazzara@bellsouth.net